The proposed Boklok development in Yapton contraversy has now reached a crescendo.
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From our Local Correspondent — December 2024
The latest update as of Dec.2024 on the proposed Boklok
development in Yapton, which has now reached a crescendo.
A Government Planning Appeal Review hearing, was convened
on Dec.10 th 2024 at the ADC Council Chamber in
Littlehampton, commencing at 10am., for consideration of the
planning application Y/52/23/PL for 170, prefabricated Boklok
houses on the Yapton site. The Government Inspector
adjudicating was Mr. Mark Philpott.
Representing on behalf of the proposal were: Sam Sykes,
Agent for Boklok, and Anna Harper, Boklok. Representing ADC
Planning Department, Simon Davis, for WSCC Education
Department David Innes and Tracey Dunn, and a
representative from the LLFA. Cllr. Mc Dougal was also in
12 staunch Yapton opponents to the proposal were there from
the start, including ADC Cllr., and Ward Cllr. for Yapton,
Amanda Worne, Vicky Newman, as Yapton Parish Cllr. and our
local reporter. Other members of the public attended the
meeting as contributors throughout the day.
The Inspector questioned the appellant and the other
representatives, regarding house style, landscaping, floods,
local drainage and sewerage difficulties, footpath, ASHPs,
affordable housing provision and transport costs for
schoolchildren. Local residents interjected
frequently on all subjects of note.
The meeting continued into the early evening. The Inspector
advised that he would visit the site the next day, on his own.
An unexpected aspect appeared to catch Boklok off- guard.
Although it was already known that Tophat, the manufacturers
and suppliers of the modules for the proposed development
were in some difficulty and ‘winding down’ production, a
member of the public sprang an update on the position.
On Nov 11 th trade magazine, the Timber Trade Journal,
announced that the Tophat factory site in Derby was now
closed completely. The entire production line machinery, a
Hundegger wood cutting machine, forklifts and wood products
were all to be auctioned off on Nov.15th. Thus, raising a
question, as to the viability outcome of the proposal for the site
as presented.
Anna Harper (Boklok) suggested in response that there were
other suppliers of modules under consideration. When
questioned as to a named replacement, she declined to advise.
The resident then confirmed, that Tophat were under contract to
provide modules for Boklok until August 2025. The response
was, ‘The contract would not be a problem’. But contracts
cannot be broken routinely, without considerations and
During the past year, 4 volumetric modular housing companies
ceased trading, ESS in administration additionally, in the last
couple of months. It poses the question as to whether the
development for the site will be modular, or offered to another
builder of traditional build style, later instead.
A planning proposal in review, relies on the contents as
presented in the application, (modular houses in this instance)
and in specific design, style and layout. It remains to be seen
how this possible difficulty in supply viability is to be resolved by
the Inspector, and in outcome by the appellant, if approval of
the proposal is granted.
A major issue was also discussed at some length, in relation to
Boklok contributions for schoolchildren transport costs, for
schools out of the area. Boklok were reluctant to pay more than
£38,000 for more than 30 dwellings………. WSCC required
contributions for 170 dwellings, as for the whole site. Parties
were given a week to settle on this point by the Inspector, as
such obligations are necessary to be concluded, and included
into an s106 legal agreement.
Boklok had queried that WSCC were requesting contributions
now, but had not requested an S106 obligation regarding travel
costs for the initial application for the site under Y/3/22/OUT.
However, records show that ADC Planning Department advised
WSCC before the original ADC Planning Committee Meeting
on Aug. 24th 2022, that transport costs would be included in a
CIL contribution instead. A CIL is a broad spectrum for Arun as
a whole, an s106 is more local.
There is no record in the meeting Minutes, that the former was
undertaken, nor in the Decision Notice or the Officers Report.
The only CIL reference in conjunction, was a contribution to
school site and building. Approval was given for that part of the
proposal without.
The current trading and financial positions of Tophat and that of
Boklok are as follows: -
Financial News stated: ‘‘Tophat has said, that none of its
customers have been ‘left in the lurch’, as an auction finished
today (Nov.15 th 2024.) In a statement, the Goldman Sachs
backed firm said, ‘ All of its current projects have been
completed, as it continues with an orderly wind-down of its
volumetric modular business’.
Asset disposal company BPI were designated to auction 740
items, hinting as from the Tophat factory. The ongoing auction
represents a crucial juncture for Tophat and the broader
modular construction industry’’.
In the light of such concerning details, it is a fair to question
how Boklok are intending to supply, start and complete the
plans for the Yapton project, without any further planning
applications in association, and in the light of other financial
considerations. The Companies House return details for Boklok
Housing Ltd. for 2023, as of Oct 4 th 2024, indicated a loss.
Financial News also stated, ‘ Persimmon, a promised investor
in Tophat, announced significant financial write downs. The
housebuilding giant had invested £700,000 and holds long term
loan notes amounting to 24.3. million. It has recently declared
these investments worthless, casting a shadow on Tophat’s
financial viability’.
Construction Briefing reported the following ref. Skanska/
Boklok: ‘A tough residential development market and ongoing struggles
with its modular homes business Boklok, have dragged down
Skansa’s Q1 2023 numbers despite a stronger performance in
construction. It took an € 29.2 million hit in Boklok, the modular
homes business, related to a weak market and turnaround
measures’. (Ikea and Skanska were earlier in joint venture with
Boklok, but the former split with Skanska earlier this year).
It appears that the concerns about the viability of the potential
Boklok project in Yapton were not unfounded, over many
months of objection by locals. No one can second guess the
decision of the Inspector at this time, and no date has been set
for the announcement of a result from the Planning Appeal