The Bognor Regis Herald
from our Local Correspondent
24th January 2024
The latest news on the Boklok situation in Yapton has been the cause of
significant local concern. It was in relation to the planning application
refusal for 170 prefabricated homes for land West of Bilsham Rd. This
has now apparently been weakened subsequently, by the withdrawal of
3 out of 4 planning objections, at the ADC Planning Meeting on Dec 14 th
An investigation has been made into local reaction into that outcome,
how it may impact on the application, and in an official appeal review.
It appears that no details were uploaded on the YPC websites
intervening to inform residents collectively, regarding any change in the
status of the Boklok application since Dec 14 th 2023.
Although residents had requested a special meeting of YPC to discuss
details that had filtered through, no formal meeting was advised to be
An Agenda for the next YPC Public Meetings was not published on the
YPC website until Friday 12 th Jan 2024, either for the formal Yapton
Planning Committee or main Parish Council Meeting for Monday 15th
Jan.2024. The Boklok situation was not a specific Agenda item for either
YPC Public Meeting, now relegated to be raised by residents during a
Public Question time slot of 15–20 mins.
At the eleventh hour, it is understood that a local resident had circulated
details on Facebook, about the upcoming meeting, and details gleaned
in advance about the latest Boklok situation.
The ensuing YPC Public Meeting at Yapton and Ford Village Hall on
Jan.15 th at 7pm. was well attended on the night because of this. There
was a lively discussion regarding Boklok, when ‘Planning’ in general was
introduced. Local resident, Nova Harris quizzed Councillors keenly
on the matter.
The YPC Chair Cllr. Amanda Worne reiterated the Boklok planning
history. It was also confirmed that YPC did not intend to be involved
further at this time. Local residents are apparently yet to decide on their
next move independently.
BRH interviewed Dilys lownsborough after the meeting, as a long-term
objector to the Boklok proposal. Also, as an attendee at the original ADC
Planning Meeting on Nov.15th 2023, as a private individual speaker,
when the application was initially refused.
Until recently she was a Yapton Parish Councillor and Vice Chair of the
YPC Planning Committee but had resigned ON Jan.15th 2024,
apparently in part because of the lack of definitive action by YPC
regarding some earlier planning application objections, and now in
respect of the latest Boklok situation.
Also, because YPC were not intending to do anything now intervening,
but to await an appeal. It is understood that it may now be in jeopardy to
make a representation to the Secretary of State, because of the
weakening of the objections.
She said: ’I have supported local residents actively for many months
over the rejection of major planning development in the area and Boklok.
I felt that I could no longer serve beside those who had now decided to
do nothing, after all the work that the residents had achieved. I will be
carrying on the fight, independent of YPC in future’.