Take part in Survey about One Way System in Longford Road, Bognor Regis and its effects on surrounding roads etc — ONE BOGNOR
Here is the LINK to a Survey re the above Area shown on the map.
This issue seeks to examine options to deal with the long-standing problems of Longford Road being 2 way such as delays, speeding, over-use, lack of parking which will only increase as traffic flow increases, especially as town regeneration progresses — more visitors etc. There are safety issues including speeding, pedestrian risk, vehicles driving on the pavement and other unsafe parking habits.
The County Highways people seem to recognise trends, this idea started over 4 years ago, pre-pandemic — their line is that any change needs to be supported by residents, hence this Survey which is being posted by ‘Bognor Regis Tomorrow’ a facebook site dealing with future issues for the area including roads, regeneration etc.
The roads that would be affected are:
Longford Road: make one way — also facilitate extra parking, plus speed limit
Havelock, Beattie, Clifton — remain two way
Annandale and Hillsboro — remain 2 way but no right turn from Linden Road to prevent use as rat run.
Linden Road — remain 2 way from Picturedrome to Town Cross Avenue (se previous para)
Victoria Drive — remain two way, except as now at Chi Road end, reverse that short stretch one way from Victoria to Chi Road — remove current roundabout with Linden, replace with mini-roundabout or lights — possible route out for Buses
Town Cross Avenue — remain 2 way, possible route out for Buses
Linden Road — make one way from Hawthorn Road to Town X Avenue.
What will happen to this Survey: its conclusions will be made available to County Highways, County Councllors, local media, and via the Facebook page above. Also to you directly if you say you want your email retained for that purpose (otherwise it will be deleted at the Survey’s conclusion)
Thank you for your interest.
Here is the LINK to a Survey re the above Area shown on the map.