Fair Play for Children News — Research into Childhood

Jan Cosgrove
69 min readAug 7, 2023


Fair Play for Children website: http://www.fairplay31.online/index.html

Previous edition to 26th July 2023

16th March 2024

Children’s use of public spaces and the role of the adult — a comparison of play ranging in the UK, and the leikkipuisto (Play Parks) in Finland

A Starting Point: Children as Spatial Citizens

Where do the children play? How policies can influence practice

Interpretations of Play and Its Spatial Manifestations: Play, Playground and Network

Saving Tammoland: a microhistory of children’s action to save a wasteground playground, 1965–1968

Visualizing Spaces of Childhood

Geographies of environmental learning: an exploration of childrenʼs use of school grounds

Children’s spatialities: embodiment, emotion and agency

‘“Unclaimed Territory”: Childhood and Disordered Spaces(s)

The Geography of Children: An Annotated Bibliography

Patchwork neighborhood: children’s urban geographies in Buffalo, New York



Youth Offending and Juvenile Justice

Safety of the novel oral poliovirus vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) in infants and young children aged 1 to <5 years and lot-to-lot consistency of the immune response to nOPV2 in infants in The Gambia: a phase 3, double-blind, randomised controlled trial — The Lancet

Solar-powered O2 delivery for the treatment of children with hypoxaemia in Uganda: a stepped-wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial — The Lancet

Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

Diagnosis of Paediatric Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis by the MPT64 Antigen at a Tertiary … — Cureus

The Paediatric polytrauma CT-Indication (PePCI)-Score — Development of a prognostic model ..

National, regional, and global estimates of low birthweight in 2020, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis

Integrated psychological care for youth with epilepsy

Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

Hard truths about under-5 mortality: call for urgent global action

Intensive Care Medicine — Paediatric and Neonatal

28th February 2024

The roots of compassion in early childhood: Relationships between theory of mind and attachment representations with empathic concern and prosocial behavior

Diagnostic evaluation of paediatric autoimmune lymphoproliferative immunodeficiencies (ALPID): a prospective cohort study

Evidence Based Clinical Reasoning in Paediatric Rehabilitation: Case Studies

Grounded language acquisition through the eyes and ears of a single child

What drives poor quality of care for child diarrhea? Experimental evidence from India

15-Year Study Reveals Severe Childhood Malnutrition Impacts | Mirage News

Serial placental growth factor-based testing in pre-eclampsia

Play’s Role in Breaking Violence Cycle: LOVE is Key, McGill Finds | Mirage News

7th February 2024

Society for Research in Child Development

Understanding Child Care and Early Education Program Closures and Enrollment during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Understanding Families’ Access to Nontraditional Hour Child Care and Early Education

Recurrent themes from paediatric mortality and morbidity: a network perspective 2021–2023

Energy drinks may cause mental illness in children, scientists warn | The Independent

Efficacy of typhoid conjugate vaccine: final analysis of a 4-year, phase 3, randomised controlled trial in Malawian children

Malaria vaccines for children: and now there are two

Prioritising actions to address stagnating maternal mortality rates globally

22 January 2024

Survey: Transition between paediatric and adult diabetes healthcare services

Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy shown to improve paediatric neuroblastoma outcomes

Undervaccination and severe COVID-19 outcomes: meta-analysis of national cohort studies in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

Pregnant women in Gaza require urgent protection

31st December 2023

Rehabilitation of the Neurologically Disabled Child

Kids with chattier parents are more talkative, may have bigger vocabulary

Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and adolescents from 48 countries: a cross-sectional study

Scaling up multifaceted interventions in maternity care: will they work?

All children pay the price for antisemitic bias

Even a brief experience of poverty enough to harm a children’s development — EurekAlert!

12th December 2023

Socioeconomic circumstances, health-related behaviours and paediatric infections: a mediation analysis

Assessing coagulopathy and endothelial dysfunction in paediatric venous malformation: A thromboelastometry and syndecan-1 study

British Educational Research Journal — 50th Anniversary Collection — 2015–2022


Study: Adversity accelerates epigenetic aging in children with developmental delays, but positive parenting can reverse course

Importance of parental involvement in paediatric palliative care in Hong Kong: qualitative case study

Lactose Intolerance and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) in Paediatric Patients …

WHO paediatric tuberculosis roadmap — The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Seizures in hospitalised paediatric patients with SARS-CoV-2 and comparison of severity …

Conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU): a UK multicentre, open, parallel-group, randomised clinical trial

23 years of neuroimaging research has revealed the impact of screen time on children’s brains. It’s not all bad

New report highlights increase in number of children and young people with eating disorders

Parents Encouraged to Give Children More Freedom When Playing in Nature

Childhood unpredictability and the development of exploration

Anxious dads raise smarter, more well-behaved kids, new study shows: Here’s what that means

15th November 2023

Children’s play and problem-solving in motion-based learning technologies using a multi-modal mixed methods approach

Shortage of paediatric intensive care unit beds in Italy

Paediatric Homework: Paediatric Investigation Plan — Key Elements

Effect of online game policy on smartphone game play time, addiction, and emotion in rural adolescents of China

Shaping OurSpace: Children’s Engagement with Nature through Urban Planning & Theatre

Gene therapy restores hearing in children with rare form of deafness

31st October 2023


Harvard-trained parenting researcher: The most successful kids are ‘healthy strivers’ — here’s what their parents always do

Response assessment in paediatric low-grade glioma: recommendations from the Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO) working group

Center for Research on Hispanic Children & Families 2013–2018 and 2018–2023

14th October 2023

Forxiga met primary endpoint in T2NOW Phase III trial, one of the largest paediatric type 2 diabetes studies performed to date

Paediatric acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology: a national investigation and adenoviraemia case-control study in the UK

Why cities matter for adolescent mental health and wellbeing

26th September 2023

Researchers show how malnutrition affects growth in the first two years of life

Malnutrition Early in Life Sets Stage for Poor Growth and Death | UC San Francisco

Burden of paediatric hospitalisations to the health care system, child and family — The Lancet

Beyond individual inclusion, investment in affected communities is needed to end tuberculosis

The future of engaging patients and families for patient safety

Transforming women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health and wellbeing through primary health care

A breakthrough in measuring violence against children is a powerful step in protecting human rights

Want Your Child to Be Smarter? Make Sure They Do This, Say Cambridge Neuroscientists

16 September 2023

This is the №1 way to raise a resilient kid, new study says

Increased brain microvascular hemoglobin concentrations in children with cerebral malaria

Are we there yet? The ongoing journey of cystic fibrosis care — The Lancet

UC Irvine Research: GLP-1RA’s May Pose Danger to Children | Mirage News

Home-based monitoring prior to frozen embryo transfer: the new gold standard?

27 August 2023

Let the children play

A balance between work and play needs to be established to ensure that ample playtime is accorded for the holistic development of a child

Reauthorise PEPFAR to prevent death, orphanhood, and suffering for millions of children

21st August 2023

A need for safe infant feeding in low-resource health-care facilities

Universal free school meals: the future of school meal programmes?

Study links lung conditions to young people who vape

‘Unclaimed Territory”: Childhood and Disordered Spaces(s)

7th August 2023

Serum neurofilament light chain reference database for individual application in paediatric care: a retrospective modelling and validation study



Jan Cosgrove
Jan Cosgrove

Written by Jan Cosgrove

National Secretary of Fair Play for Children, Also runs Bognor Regis Herald online. Plus runs British Music Radio online

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