Fair Play for Children News — Health Wellbeing and Education
includes Early Years and Child-Care
Fair Play for Children website: http://www.fairplay31.online/index.html
14th March 2023
UK Working Parents are Running Out of Options for Child Care
12th March 2013
11th March 2023
10th March 2023
9th March 2023
Childcare and early years debate in House of Commons main chamber — Committees
Committees — UK Parliament
New report: Ready to learn and thrive: School health and nutrition around the world
UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education
7th March 2023
No Major Offer Expected on Childcare in UK Budget
UK Mothers Say It No Longer Makes Financial Sense to Work
How Countries Leading on Early Years of Child Care Get It Right
4th March 2023
Gov. Pritzker Announces Recommendations from Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative
2nd March 2023

Child in the City Newsletter — 2 March 2023
- United Nations: ‘Governments must strengthen child social protection’
The child-focused agencies of the United Nations say that the number of children worldwide without access to social protection continues to rise, putting them at risk of poverty, hunger and discrimination.
read more… - EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK recognises cities for child-friendly work
Organisers of the prestigious European Union-backed annual mobility awards have recognised the efforts by three cities to improve their mobility infrastructure — and in doing so make the streets safer for children.
read more… - Doctors with war experience to provide lifesaving child ‘blast injury’ training to medics in Ukraine
A team of doctors with frontline experience have joined forces to train Ukrainian medics on how to treat children who have been injured by explosive weapons, as the war reaches the one-year mark with nearly 1,500 child casualties.
read more… - Northern Ireland Children’s Commissioner: ‘We must do much more for our young people’
An absolute ‘basic minimum’ is not being done to support children and young people in Northern Ireland, according to a new report.
read more… - European Environment Agency: what are national authorities doing to improve air quality?
One of the biggest threats facing children in cities across the world is air quality. It is, in some cases, quite literally killing them. It’s a situation that the European Environment Agency (EEA) is intensely aware of.
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9-year-old Kazakhstan boy becomes, India’s first Paediatric Living Donor Intestine Transplant

Corporal punishment in schools: Research and reporting tips to guide your coverage
28th February 2023

Children & Young People Bulletin
February 2023
Children’s social care reform
The Department for Education (DfE) has published its children’s social care implementation strategy and consultation alongside two additional consultations considering the children’s social worker workforce focusing particularly on agencies, and a proposed children’s social care national framework.
In our response we welcomed much of the strategy, though raised concerns about the shortfall in funding and the timescales for change. We have published a briefing on the strategy. If you have comments you would like to feed into the LGA’s response to any of these consultations, please contact louise.smith@local.gov.uk.
Start for Life parent and carer panel: guidance for local authorities
New guidance has been released to support local authorities to develop parent and carer panels as part of the Start for Life programme. The guidance focuses on how to establish panels to effectively engage parents and carers.
Report into prevention and diversion by YJB, AYM and Probation Service
A report by the Youth Justice Board (YJB), Association of YOT Managers (AY) and the Probation service has found that on average more than half of youth justice service caseloads were of children receiving preventative or diversionary support. However, there are gaps in data and confusion over definitions of early intervention practices.
National Youth Sector Census
The NYA is looking to establish where and what youth provision is taking place throughout England and is seeking youth organisations working with young people to input their data to make the case for investment to government. Councils are asked to fill out the National Youth Sector Census.
State of the nation 2021: children and young people’s wellbeing
The Department for Education has produced their annual report on the wellbeing of children and young people. The report finds that wellbeing is showing small signs of recovery after a reduction in 2020. However, there is variation in wellbeing with female respondents reporting lower wellbeing than male in secondary school.
Department for Education launches new online Early Years Child Development Training
The government has launched the new Early Years Child Development Training.This was following a public testing phase in November 2022. The government would love as many early years practitioners, childminders, and school based nursery teachers as possible to be made aware of the training. They have asked for support in promoting the training in your own networks and communications channels, including social media, where appropriate.
Senior mental health lead in school training
There is still time to take up the Department for Education’s (DfE) grant of £1,200 for eligible state-funded schools and colleges in England to train a senior mental health lead to develop and implement a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing. This training is not compulsory. Eligible schools and colleges are now able to apply for a senior mental health lead training grant to commence training by 31 July 2023. Grants will be provided to cover (or contribute to) the cost of attending a quality assured course and may also be used to hire supply staff while leads are engaged in learning.
Early Years Nutrition Landscape
The early years nutrition landscape is complex and diverse, with many different stakeholders involved in many different interventions. The LGA has commissioned an insight report into the early years nutrition local authority landscape. The report will offer insight and observations into how councils can best ensure that their early years nutrition policy and practice is delivering the best outcomes for babies and young children. We want to understand what opportunities and barriers exist, and whether there are common themes that emerge for all councils to consider.
Partnership with Health Equals
The Local Government Association has become a core partner member of a 5-year initiative funded by the Health Foundation. Health Equals will work with a diverse membership from across different sectors and determinants of health — from housing and employment, to education and the environment. Through powerful and evidence-based campaigns, Health Equals wants to shape a new public conversation about health and wellbeing, and influence national policy to prioritise health in a way that recognises the importance of the world around us.
Concerns over future of swimming and leisure services as due energy cost relief ending on 31 March
On 22 February, a coalition of more than 200 bodies and individuals from the worlds of health, sport, recreation, and leisure wrote to the Prime Minister with an urgent plea for greater support for grassroots facilities and clubs amid the ongoing energy crisis.
With energy costs relief for the UK’s swimming pools, leisure centres, community facilities, and gyms ending on 31 March, thousands of facilities and clubs are at risk of permanent closure or reduced services, as public and private sector organisations of all sizes face unprecedented financial challenges, with bills remaining up to 200% higher than normal.
Supporting children who display harmful behaviour
The Centre of expertise on CSA has published a new “key messages from research” document summarising evidence on children who display HSB (we have used acronyms to prevent this email being caught in your email filters), including prevention and interventions.
National Children and Adult Services Conference 2023 | 29 November — 1 December 2023 | Bournemouth
Bookings are open for #ncasc23.
The National Children and Adult Services Conference is a must-attend event for councillors, directors, senior officers, directors of public health, policy makers and service managers, and any individuals or organisations with responsibilities for children and adult services in the statutory, voluntary and private sector. Join us to hear about and respond to the very latest thinking on key policy and improvement agendas in social care, children’s services, education, health and related fields.
To book and to find out more, please visit the conference website.
Annual Public Health Conference 2023 | Tuesday 21 March — Thursday 23 March 2023
This key annual public health conference will take place over three half day virtual sessions, offering delegates the opportunity to hear from leading expert speakers on the very latest thinking in national public health policy issues, as well as gaining insights from those delivering on the ground. Delegates will have the opportunity to participate in sessions sharing good practice from local areas and to discuss issues that matter to them.
This conference is being run by the LGA in partnership with the Association of Directors and Public Health (ADPH) and the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) and is free to attend.
For more information and to book your place, please visit the event page.
Further details of all LGA’s events can be found on our website.
25th February 2023
24th February 2023
23rd February 2023
22nd February 2023
21st February 2023
18th February 2023
February 2023
Census 2021 — education results published today
Poorest learners benefit the least from public education: UNICEF | UN News
Sex education legal challenge rejected in High Court

Child in the City Newsletter — 26 January 2023
- Cutting through red tape to enable more childcare facilities — could Austin become the standard bearer?
Could changing planning laws to allow for more childcare facilities in the U.S. city of Austin be a shining example for other cities to follow?
read more… - Child rights being denied during family evictions — Dutch Ombudsman
The Dutch government ‘does not aways comply’ with children’s rights obligations when evicting families, and must make improvements to the system, says a report…
read more… - Paris commended for child-friendly sustainable transport policies
A commitment by Paris to prioritise sustainable transport options — including safe routes for children — has helped land it a major award…
read more… - Why digital public infrastructure can be a gamechanger for children
In many parts of the world, the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be over and lives are back to pre-pandemic normal. This is not the case for everyone. The shadow cast by the pandemic is long and still defines the lives of children… - Baby foods take centre stage in push for more safety and quality
If we are what we eat, as the saying goes, food quality is key to our health. And as food production and trade increase in response to greater global demand, controls on safety and quality have become even more vital…
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January 2023
Andy Burnham’s answer to school leavers who don’t want to go to university
Polish president says he will not sign proposed education bill — Reuters UK
Understanding CAMHS — for 11–18 year olds
Abortion —