Fair Play for Children News — Children in the World & Society

Jan Cosgrove
64 min readMar 17, 2023


Fair Play for Children website: http://www.fairplay31.online/index.html

16th May 2023

Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement

14th May 2023

8th May 2023

7th May 2023

Senators Propose ‘COPPA 2.0’ in Frenzy of Online Child Safety Regulation

3rd May 2023

27th April 2023

26th April 2023

24th April 2023

Call for urgent measures to prevent ‘appalling’ abuse of disabled children in UK care homes


Christian Nationalism, Parents’ Rights vs Children’s Rights, and the Rise of Momfluencers


21st April 2023

Call for urgent measures to tackle appalling abuse of disabled children in care homes


20th April 2023

Eradicating The Child Soldier Trend In Nigeria


19th April 2023

Did UN call to decriminalise sex between adults + children?! [No]


Awareness on child labour, human trafficking


Tackling Global Rising Trend Of Child Labour


17th April 2023

15th April 2023

13th April 2023

12th April 2023

10th April 2023

9th April 2023

7th April 2023

5th April 2023

ILO to release new data on Nigeria’s child, forced labour


Keta MP raises concerns over rising incidence of child labour in Ghana


4th April 2023

Human Rights Council Discusses the Situation of Children in the Central African Republic and Strengthening Institutional Capacities in South Sudan


1st April 2023

‘Dangerous and depressing’: Homeless children at risk in UK housing crisis


29th March 2023

28th March 2023

27th March 2023

25th March 2023

Children need protection under UN convention

24th March 2023

22nd March 2023

Human Rights Council Discusses Ensuring a Safe, Inclusive and Empowering Digital … — OHCHR

Inquiry into Illegal Migration Bill launched — Home Secretary asked to appear before Committee Committees — UK Parliament

21st March 2023

Human Rights Council Discusses Ensuring a Safe, Inclusive and Empowering Digital … — OHCHR

19th March 2023

These are the123 Countries who are members of the ICC

They are obliged to arrest anyone who is the subject of an ICC warrant and to hold them for trial which normally takes place in The Hague. This is a majority of the 193 Members of the United Nations. The USA signed the ICC convention but has not ratified it, a similar position re the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

17th March 2023




Jan Cosgrove

National Secretary of Fair Play for Children, Also runs Bognor Regis Herald online. Plus runs British Music Radio online