Councillor responds to Herald Regeneration article

Jan Cosgrove
2 min readJan 10, 2022

Read the original Herald article HERE

Cllr Steve Goodheart, Leader of the Arun Independent Group on Arun Council, has been the only one of the 5 Group Leaders to reply so far to the Herald article about plans for recladding The Regis Centre. In a message to his colleagues, he has written:

Following up from the mail that Mr. Cosgrove has sent to all of us, l’ve high lighted one of his comments ‘Fair enough, but surely all of you have a duty to look at these other ideas. I have been a supporter of Sunrise, but now I believe common sense says you and they and others should now sit down and TALK, to see if the £12m+ from LUF and those ideas and funding can work with this grant award. I would think the Department would be very sympathetic.’

I believe that we should be carrying out something very much like Mr.Cosgrove is suggesting, l would include inviting any of the companies who had within their regeneration proposals, investors behind them. If we don’t take this opportunity we will be letting down the district & Bognor Regis. The least we should do is to acknowledge & thank all the individuals, groups & companies who responded to ADC’s request for regeneration ideas. As ADC is an public corporation surely this would be good manners. I look forward to hearing back from you with your thoughts.”

This is the response we would ask to see from our Councillors at Arun.



Jan Cosgrove

National Secretary of Fair Play for Children, Also runs Bognor Regis Herald online. Plus runs British Music Radio online