Bognor Regis Herald Update 18 September 2022

Jan Cosgrove
10 min readSep 18, 2022







Update sent on behalf of Detective Superintendent Miles Ockwell

Dear all,

Following Thursday’s message, we wanted to update you further on a number of things which you may find useful.

We have now had a number of national updates regarding the official mourning guidance and confirmation of the date of the funeral. All of this content is together in one place on our website alongside links to travel information.

Sussex Police is playing its part, working with policing colleagues and other key partners to ensure the safety of the public throughout this period. Planning for this sad event has been undertaken for some time and we are continuing to police the county as normal while providing any support required for this national occasion. You may not see as much of this on our social media channels while we are in the mourning period as we are restricting what we publish to any critical operational updates.

As the nation comes together to ensure Her Majesty The Queen is laid to rest peacefully, and with the current UK terrorism threat levels remaining at substantial meaning an attack is likely, you should expect to see an increased police presence across the country — particularly on the transport network, around royal residences and at airports. You can also play your part in helping to keep each other safe. If you see something that doesn’t feel right, please report online in confidence to (Action Counters Terrorism) and in an emergency always call 999.

Kind regards

Detective Superintendent Miles Ockwell

Community Lead for the national mourning for Queen Elizabeth II

We join the nation in mourning the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The government has announced that Monday 19 September, the date of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral, will be a national bank holiday.

You can find more details about the bank holiday and the funeral on the government’s website here.

On the link below we’ve pulled together a summary of our bank holiday opening hours and impacted services, including who you can contact at the county council if you need to.

You can also see a short video of the County Proclamation of the Accession of King Charles III, which took place last Sunday on the steps of County Hall, Chichester.

Local information about the bank holiday

Two minute silence on Monday

There will be a two-minute national silence on Monday (19 September) during the funeral, at approximately 11.55am.

Books of condolence

A reminder that an online book of condolence remains open on Buckingham Palace’s website at

If you know anyone who does not have online access, let them know they can post a written message of condolence to: The Chairman’s Office, Room 102, West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ.

Our 36 libraries across West Sussex can support anyone who would like to use a public computer to access the online book of condolence.

And anyone who would prefer to record a written message then we are able to collect these in our libraries and they will be collated with other written messages received by the Chairman of the County Council.

National Moment of Reflection

A minute’s silence is to be held at 8pm this Sunday (18 September).

You may wish to mark the silence privately at home, with friends and family, out on doorsteps or the street with neighbours, or at locally arranged community events and vigils.

On behalf of the residents of West Sussex, the Chairman of the County Council will be sending a letter of heartfelt condolence to His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Memories of our Queen

Her Majesty The Queen visited West Sussex on many occasions and you can view photos from some of these visits online.

Other historic photos of the late Queen can be found on West Sussex Pictures by searching ‘Queen Elizabeth II’, including this one of the young Princess Elizabeth making sandcastles near Bognor in 1929.

Bereavement support

The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II may be an emotional time for many.

Her Majesty had been a central part of our lives for so long and the period of national mourning is a chance to reflect on loved ones we’ve lost over the years.

How people experience grief, loss and bereavement is very personal, and ahead of the funeral, or afterwards, you can access a range of support if you need to:

Rescheduled council meetings

We postponed formal meetings as a mark of respect for the period of national mourning. From Tuesday (20 September) all meetings will be held as usual and as published in our calendar of meetings. Meetings which were postponed have been rescheduled as follows:

  • Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee: 23 September at 10.30am.
  • Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee: 26 September at 10.30am.
  • Governance Committee: 27 September at 2.15pm.

Business due to be considered at the cancelled meeting of the Cabinet on 13 September is being rescheduled to its next meeting on 18 October.




Jan Cosgrove

National Secretary of Fair Play for Children, Also runs Bognor Regis Herald online. Plus runs British Music Radio online