Bognor Regis Herald Latest Round Up

9 January 2024: 46 Local Stories and 4 Features

Jan Cosgrove
17 min readJan 10, 2025

Main page: for local information, news sources, local arts and entertainment etc

Arun District Council could owe Littlehampton Harbour £18m — serious consequences for local residents?

The proposed Boklok development in Yapton contraversy has now reached a crescendo

from our Local Correspondent

A Government Planning Appeal Review hearing, was convened
on Dec.10 th 2024 at the ADC Council Chamber in
Littlehampton, commencing at 10am., for consideration of the
planning application Y/52/23/PL for 170, prefabricated Boklok
houses on the Yapton site. The Government Inspector
adjudicating was Mr. Mark Philpott.

Read full story at:

13 Photos: Festive fun as the ‘Oldest Pram Race in the World’ commenced in West Sussex

Michelin-starred chef Jameson Stocks on his new street food venture in Chichester

Bognor Regis man tried to sell drugs smuggled in sandwiches, Sussex Police say

Man admits to damaging cars in Bognor Regis crime spree — Eastbourne

Off-road e-bike stolen from van in Bognor Regis

Nearly £9,000 raised in memory of devoted Bognor Regis Rocks fan who was ‘loved by everyone’

Higgs the hero as Bognor Regis Town pull off improbable win at Dulwich Hamlet

Pain in rain for Rocks: Chichester City put four past Bognor Regis Town

Denied victory — but new Bognor Regis Town bosses take heart from Potters Bar point

Horsham 2 Bognor Regis Town 1: MATCH REPORT

72 photos from Horsham’s Isthmian premier win over Bognor Regis Town — Littlehampton

In pictures: Hastings United claim vital win at Bognor Regis Town — Worthing

Field backed to boost Bognor Regis Town — as Starkey is snapped up — Chichester

Bognor Regis Town reveal new joint managers — Eastbourne

Man who almost died after parkrun reunited with paramedics who saved his life

Church of England abuser John Smyth spent part of early childhood in Bognor Regis … — Chichester

Bognor Regis Town Council present ‘A Drive Through Time’ motor gala — MSN


Hidden batteries cause fires — dispose of them safely in 2025

Across the UK, over 700 fires were caused by residents putting batteries in their household recycling or general waste bins in 2022! As we welcome the New Year, many of us are looking to clear out old, unwanted items. But don’t forget to dispose of all kinds of batteries, including those hidden batteries inside electric toothbrushes, toys and more, safely.

It’s easy to do the right thing, put your batteries in a box or drawer, and never in the bin. Then drop them off at your local supermarket, electrical retailer, nearest Recycling Centre, or use your local district and borough’s free battery collection (where available). Adur and Worthing, Crawley, Horsham, and Mid Sussex offer kerbside collections for batteries but they all collect these slightly differently, so please visit our website for more information.

Don’t forget about vapes! Looking to quit smoking in 2025? Vapes also contain batteries so it is important they are disposed of safely too. Vapes can be disposed of at our Recycling Centres in the designated container. Alternatively, all of the district and boroughs in West Sussex will collect these as part of their kerbside small electrical collections.

If you live in the Horsham district, they have recently introduced two new collection points for used disposable vapes and batteries as a trial to encourage residents to dispose of these items more safely for recycling. More information on these collection points can be found on their website.

Visit our website for more information or watch our short video below:

Answering your questions on the Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund

Last month we announced, in partnership with Biffa, the launch of the Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund, opening for applications on 13 January 2025.

This grant fund is designed to empower local community groups, schools, charities, and social enterprises to take innovative steps in reducing household waste. With grants of up to £5,000 available, this is a fantastic opportunity to bring new waste prevention ideas to life and reduce waste in West Sussex!

A webinar will be hosted online via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 21 January 2025, at 6pm to answer any questions and will talk through the application portal and process. To register your interest in the webinar and to ask questions ahead of time, please visit the how to apply section on our website.

Applications open Monday, 13 January 2025 and close Sunday, 2 March 2025. For more details on eligibility and how to apply, visit the Waste Prevention Community Grant Fund webpage.

Worthing Reuse shop

Our second reuse shop at the Worthing Recycling Centre on Willowbrook Road opened last month! This initiative is part of our commitment to reducing waste and promoting reuse across the county. Following the success of the first reuse shop at Billingshurst Recycling Centre, which has saved over 51 tonnes of materials for reuse since its launch in March 2022, the Worthing shop aims to build on this!

You do not need to book to visit the new Worthing reuse shop as it can be accessed without entering the Recycling Centre. To donate, however, you will need to book an appointment. Appointments can be made online here. Please note that donations need to be in good working order as shop staff cannot repair or refurbish items.

The shops are able to accept:

  • board games and puzzles
  • books
  • children’s toys
  • computer games
  • crockery (for example, plates, bowls, mugs, glasses and teapots)
  • DVD’s, CDs and records
  • internal and external furniture (for example, chairs, tables and desks)
  • pots and pans
  • silverware
  • tools and toolboxes

and more…

Both reuse shops operate five days a week, year-round:

  • Billingshurst reuse shop: Closed on Thursday and Friday.
  • Worthing reuse shop: Closed on Wednesday and Thursday, even during extended summer hours at the recycling centre.

For more information about the shops and other Recycling Centre reuse initiatives, visit our website.

Free schools Waste & Climate Action Programme

January marks International Day of Education and we’re celebrating by highlighting our Schools Waste & Climate Action Programme — Wastebusters.

Schools play a key role in addressing climate change by inspiring and equipping young people with the tools and mindset to be proactive, responsible global citizens. Wastebusters offer support, tools, and resources to make it easy for your child’s school to become more resource-efficient to improve their environmental performance and unlock financial savings and rewards.

The Wastebuster programme is free to all schools in West Sussex and with many schools already making great use of the programme we don’t want others to miss out! Ask your school if they are aware of the programme and if not, please share! Learn more online here.

Upcoming waste prevention events

Throughout West Sussex, we are proud to work alongside a team of passionate recycling and waste prevention volunteers. They attend public and private events to promote waste prevention, reuse, and recycling, and are eager to answer questions about the county’s recycling services and waste reduction initiatives.

In addition to the public events listed below, we are participating in numerous privately hosted talks and events for local community groups, schools, and other organisations. If you would like our team to give a talk, visit your school, attend an event, or if you would like more information, please contact us at:

We also support our partners at the district and borough councils with community outreach in selected areas, engaging residents on both recycling and waste prevention topics.

January/ February events:

  • Friday 10 January (2pm–4pm) — Clothes and Book Swap, The Chapel, Graylingwell Drive, Chichester, PO19 6BZ
  • Monday 15 January (10:30am–12:30pm)- Waste prevention stand, Horsham Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL
  • Wednesday 24 January (10am–6pm) — ‘Reach Out’ Face-to-Face Community Engagement Roadshow, County Mall Shopping Centre, Crawley, RH10 1FP
  • Thursday 25 January (10am–6pm) — ‘Reach Out’ Face-to-Face Community Engagement Roadshow, County Mall Shopping Centre, Crawley, RH10 1FP
  • Wednesday 19 February (10:30am-12:30pm) — waste prevention stand, Horsham Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL

Sign up for our newsletter

Finally, we know that if you receive this email, you are passionate about waste prevention and recycling.

If you find these emails helpful, why not share it with a friend and get them to subscribe to the West Sussex Recycles newsletter as well.

Help us spread the message and get more people on board to make West Sussex a strong, safe, and sustainable place to live.

FREE ‘Are you scam savvy?’ sessions available via webinar

Are you concerned about all the different types of online scams? To help you stay safe, join WSCC for a free, informative webinar on how to recognise and protect yourself from the most common scams.

Learn more about phishing emails and other types of online fraud, and receive practical tips and strategies on how to spot the red flags and stay safe in today’s digital world.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to safeguard your personal information and avoid falling victim to fraudsters online!

Don’t wait until it’s too late, register now!

5th February 2025 10–11.30am

22nd April 2025 1–2.30pm

The WSCC Library Digital Volunteers can also support you with how to book a ticket through the Eventbrite system. Phone the Library Digital Support Team on 0330 222 3455, email or visit your local library to book a Digital Volunteer appointment in advance.

Free UK-wide service which provides extra advice and support, including when there’s an interruption to your electricity, gas or water supply

As winter weather is affecting the UK, if you have not already done so this is a good time to consider registering for extra advice and support, including when there could be interruptions to your electricity, gas or water supply.

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is free to join. It helps utility companies, including energy suppliers, electricity, gas and water networks, to look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs. It helps tailor services to support households who need extra help in the event of a power cut, gas or water supply interruption.

Your energy supplier (the company that provides your electricity and gas) and your network operator (the company responsible for the pipes and wires that carry electricity and gas) will both keep a Priority Services Register.

To find out who these organisations are in your area please visit and enter your postcode. Your electricity and gas suppliers will be shown; you just need to click the sign up button there to join their PSR. Electricity companies are, where possible, sharing PSR information with water companies, so you can get vital help and support from them too if there’s a break in your water supply.

Please also consider helping others to join the PSR, for example, elderly relatives, friends or neighbours, people with serious medical conditions, or people who may struggle with the internet.

Who can join

You can ask to join your supplier or network operator’s Priority Services Register if you:

· have reached state pension age

· are pregnant, or have young children

· struggle with speaking or reading English.

You can also join if you’re living with a disability or a long-term medical condition, including:

· mental health conditions

· conditions affecting your sight, hearing or sense of smell

· conditions that mean you need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply.

Help is also available if your circumstances have recently changed, for example if you:

· are recovering from an injury, or need support after a stay in hospital

· have been bereaved

· have lost your job.

What help is available?

Joining the Priority Services Register means you’ll be able to get a range of extra help when you need it. This could be all the time, or for a short period due to something that’s happened in your life. Some of the help you can get includes:

· priority support in an emergency

· wherever possible, advanced notice of scheduled power cuts

· an identification and password scheme if someone needs to visit or contact you, helping you feel confident they are genuine

· the ability to nominate someone to receive communications and bills from your supplier, for example a family member, carer or someone you trust

· the chance to move your prepayment meter if you can’t safely get to it to top up

· regular meter reading services

· account info and bills in large print or braille

· assistance reconnecting your gas supply, if you need it.

What help should I expect from being on the Priority Services Register during a power cut?

· A priority number that you can call 24 hours a day

· Text and voice message alerts, letting you know when they are aware of a large power cut in your area

· Tailored support if needed such as home visits, hot meals, advice and keeping your friends and relatives updated

· Where possible, text and voice messages when severe weather is expected, to help you prepare

· In certain scenarios they may also offer a free hotel overnight and transport to the hotel

· For complex power cuts their community welfare teams provide on-site support which includes hot drinks, hot meals, a Wi-Fi connection and charge points.

Additional information can be found at UK Power Cut? Call 105 For Free | Find Your Electricity Provider and Join your supplier’s Priority Services Register | Ofgem

Welcome to your Healthy New Year 2025

The New Year is a great time to make positive changes in your life.

So, are you ready to make 2025 your healthiest year yet?

In this special edition newsletter we’ve got lots of tips on how you can improve your health and wellbeing, and links to a wide range of free information and advice.

Even one small change can make a big difference.

Please feel free to share with friends and family.

Happy New Year!

> Be active as often as you can, to improve mental wellbeing, keep a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

> Check out all the weight management services available in West Sussex by visiting the West Sussex Wellbeing website. Gro Health is a free digital weight management programme for people who live or work in West Sussex. Visit the Gro Health website to check your eligibility and sign up.

> Quit smoking — we are here to support you! Quitting smoking is much more successful when you get the right support and with professional help you’re three times more likely to quit for good. Visit Smokefree West Sussex or call 0330 222 7980 to get free support from trained advisors to help you quit smoking for good. Support is available face-to-face, over the phone or by downloading the new Smokefree app.

> Call the shots on alcohol, feel in control and take the free DrinkCoach test to work out how risky your drinking is and to get personalised advice on your drinking. Visit our campaign page for information on alcohol support in West Sussex.

> Mental health and wellbeing: are you worried about yours or a loved one’s mental health? We all have our ups and downs, and sometimes we might need some extra support. Your Mental Health West Sussex and West Sussex Wellbeing have helpful online resources including contact details of people you can speak with. How Are You Really Feeling? also has information on local help for your mental health and tips for looking after your mental wellbeing.

> Boost your immunity by booking your Covid-19 and flu vaccinations, if you are eligible. If you are vaccinated and catch flu or Covid-19, you are likely to have milder symptoms and recover faster, cutting your risk of being hospitalised. You can arrange an appointment directly with a local service or attend a walk-in session.

> Visit West Sussex Wellbeing and learn how you can make small changes to improve your health and wellbeing. There’s free advice and support available for anyone over 18 who lives or works in West Sussex on lots of topics including wellbeing at work, falls prevention, gambling, carers support, and more!

> Check your hearing: If you are aged 40 or over, it is worth checking your hearing. It is easy to check your hearing on the Royal National Institute for Deaf People’s (RNID’s) website. All you need is a laptop or smartphone, a quiet spot to sit in and the RNID website will do the rest. Take the free hearing check.

> Check eligibility and book a free NHS Health Check if you’re aged 40 to 74 and find out whether you’re at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as heart disease or diabetes, and how to reduce your risk.

> Seek help if you are experiencing domestic abuse: domestic abuse can happen in any relationship. It can involve a single incident or a pattern of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading or violent behaviour. If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s situation, our domestic abuse advice page has information and links to support services.

Help Us Help You

The NHS is asking everyone living in Sussex to ‘Help Us Help You’ as demand on health services increases through the winter months.

If you have loved ones in hospital, help them to leave hospital when they are clinically safe to do so. Every day spent in hospital when they don’t need to be there makes their recovery longer. It’s ok for them to ask ‘when am I going home?

Find out how you can make the right choices on which health services to contact this winter from NHS Sussex and take a look at our Keeping Safe this Winter tips on staying safe, well and warm.

Help Us Help You

We’d like to hear from you about whether you found the information in this eNewsletter helpful. Email your feedback to



Jan Cosgrove
Jan Cosgrove

Written by Jan Cosgrove

National Secretary of Fair Play for Children, Also runs Bognor Regis Herald online. Plus runs British Music Radio online

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